Candy Bear 2 - Help
Please see the in-game help and tutorial for basic help.
Remote Control Tips
General Tips
Bunny Tips
Digging Tips
Speed Tips
We'll add more tips in the future.
Remote Control Tips
- You can casually play Candy Bear 2 with one hand, using the OK button to dig. However, for more complicated levels (or to get a better bonus time), two hands are recommended, with one thumb to direct the bear up/down/left/right, and the other to dig with the fast forward or rewind buttons.
- While you can certainly play Candy Bear 2 with a standard Roku IR remote, you'll get a better experience by using an enhanced remote (one that you'll need to pair to your Roku, and won't have to point at the TV). Rule of thumb: if you can execute voice requests using your Roku remote, then you have the best remote for Candy Bear 2.
- The bear will go to sleep after about 9 seconds of no remote control activity. If you try to use the remote after this time, response will be delayed. You can wake up the bear by pressing any remote button. Keep this in mind if you are waiting for the bunnies to move away (for example).
- Roku remotes do not allow you to press two buttons at once.
General Tips
- Springs and crates will "float" on top of candy and keys. They'll fall once those items are collected.
- Ladders do not stop springs or crates.
- If you drop directly onto a portal (from above), when you reach the other side, you can move left OR right.
- If you are careful, you can almost enter a portal and still dig to the side of it (this is rarely needed, but might be useful on one or two levels).
- Moving platforms are a little forgiving: you can peek the bear's nose slightly underneath one and not die. Mines are not forgiving at all. Touch one even the slightest, and the bear dies.
Bunny Tips
- The four different bunny types are visually distinct, though the differences are very subtle.
- Sometimes, you might need a mine to kill a bunny.
- If bunnies have option to go up or down, then they will follow a set pattern of going left/right until they can't go any more, and then turning around (except for smart bunnies). You can use this regular timing to your advantage.
Digging Tips
- To dig quickly in succession, move in one direction (right, for example), and dig in the other direction (left, in this case) with the other hand.
- It is possible to dig from a ladder or a bar.
- You can dig from a moving platform, though it isn't recommended that you do so from a fast-moving platform, since you may fall off.
- You cannot dig under ladders, crates, springs, or unopened gates. You can dig under opened gates and one-way gates.
- When you dig, the bear is automatically moved exactly next to the hole. You can use this to your advantage when trying to avoid moving platforms and mines.
Speed Tips
- When going up or down ladders, the bear doesn't have to be square with the ladder before using it. Instead, you can stop the bear just short (less than half a tile) from the ladder. Then pressing up would make the bear go up the ladder. This same principle applies to other scenarios, such as moving from a ladder to brick, or from a ladder to a bar.
- You don't have to go completely onto a tile to collect a candy.
- As stated in the digging tips, when you dig, the bear is automatically moved exactly next to the hole. So if you stop short, the bear will be moved forward a little.
- If you need to collect a candy and then dig a hole and drop down, don't dig the hole after the candy. Instead, dig the hole UNDER the candy, then collect the candy and drop at the same time.
- Falling is faster than descending a ladder.
- Map out your plan before you start the level. Sometimes the fastest route may surprise you.
We'll add more tips in the future.